DX Bulletin Reader 1.11
for Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000/XP
DX Bulletin Reader is a tool for viewing, archiving and searching
the DX news bulletins.
When the program displays a DX bulletin, it highlights all prefixes, callsigns,
IOTA references and grid squares in different colors, and best of all,
it highlights the items that are on your DXCC and IOTA Needed lists.
Every highlighted item has a tooltip with extra information, such as
IOTA group name and prefix, country of the callsign,
and latitude/longitude of the Grid Square.
If the optional databases are installed, even more information is shown
on the tooltips, including the full name and address for the US and Canadian
The Find function performs full text search in all archived bulletins.
See the Online Help page for more details.
Copyright © 1998-2020 Afreet Software, Inc.
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