DX Bulletin Reader 1.1
Online Help
Viewing the bulletins
To open a particular bulletin for viewing, click on the publisher button
and select the bulletin in the list.
The following items are highlighted in the bulletin text:
- Prefixes
- Callsigns
- LoTW users
- IOTA references
- Grid Squares
- Needed items
Assuming that all optional databases are installed, the tooltips of the highlighted
items show:
- prefixes and callsigns: the main prefix and DXCC entity name, plus
all extra information encoded in the callsign, such as province and license
- US and Canadian callsigns: full name and address of the
callsign holder;
- US callsigns: state and county;
- Canadian special event callsigns: event information;
- IOTA references: country prefix and IOTA group name;
- Grid Squares: latitude and longitude.
Searching the bulletins
Press Ctrl-F or use the Search / Find menu command to start a
full text search. Tick In All Bulletins to search the whole archive.
Entering your Needed lists
To enter your Needed lists, click on Tools / Needed List in the menu
and tick the checkboxes for all DXCC entities and IOTA groups that you want
to be highlighted.
Downloading the optional databases
The optional databases can be downloaded via the Tools / Download menu command.
The program automatically downloads and imports the databases. Note that some
databases are very large and may take much time to download.
Importing the bulletins
The program comes with a few bullteins included for the demonstration
purposes. To keep your archives up to date, you will have to import the new
bulletins when they arrive. You can either subscribe to receive the
bulletins via email, or find them on the web if they are available online.
The bulletins received via email can be dragged-and-dropped from
Outlook Express to Bulletin Reader. If you are using another email client,
drag-and-drop may not work. In this case open the bulletin in your email
program, select the text and drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste it to
Bulletin Reader. You can also save the bulletin in a text file and
drag-and-drop the file to Bulletin Reader.
To import a bulletin from the web, open it in a web browser,
select the text, and use drad-and-drop or copy-and-paste.
When you are adding a new bulletin to the archive, Bulletin Viewer attempts
to determine the publisher, issue number and publication date of the bulletin.
If the program is unable to determine these attributes, it will either
prompt you to input the missing data, if a single bulletin is being added,
or reject the unrecognized bulletins if multiple files or emails are being
imported. The status bar shows the results of the import.
Adding publishers
The following publishers/bulletins are currently supported:
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin;
- 425 DX News;
- 425 DX Calendar;
- ARRL DX Bulletin;
- DX Newsletter;
- The Daily DX;
- WAP Antarctic Bulletin;
- I.C.P.O. Bulletin.
The bulletins not listed above, and non-periodical publications,
can be added as Other.
The support of new bulletin publishers can be added by creating a simple DLL
file that extracts
the publisher, issue number and publication date from the bulletin text.
A sample source code of such DLL is included in the
BullRead\Dll\Source directory.
Copyright © 1998-2020 Afreet Software, Inc.
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