CW Skimmer 2.1
Multi-channel CW decoder and analyzer
for Windows XP/7/8/10
a high sensitivity CW decoding algorithm based
on the methods of Bayesian statistics;
simultaneous decoding of ALL cw signals in
the receiver passband - up to 700 signals
can be decoded in parallel on a 3-GHz P4 if
a wideband receiver is used;
a fast waterfall display, with a resolution sufficient
for reading Morse Code dots and dashes visually;
the callsigns are extracted from the decoded
messages, and the traces on the waterfall are
labeled with stations' callsigns;
the extracted callsigns are exported as DX cluster spots via the built-in
Telnet cluster server;
a DSP processor with a noise blanker, AGC, and a sharp,
variable-bandwidth CW filter;
an I/Q Recorder and player.
Contest, 3-kHz mode
Note that only 3 kHz of spectrum can be decoded and viewed
on the waterfall display if a 3-kHz radio is used, as shown on the screenshot
above. Wideband display and decoding shown below requires
a wideband SDR receiver such as SoftRock.
Contest, wideband mode
Pileup, wideband mode
System Requirements
- Operating system:
Windows ME, Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 7 or higher (32-bit or 64-bit).
Windows 95 and Windows 98 are not supported.
- CPU:
Pentium-4 2.5 GHz with a wideband radio, or
1 GHz with a 3-kHz radio;
- Ports: one COM port for the radio CAT control;
- Receiver:
- 3-kHz receiver -
an ordinary transceiver or receiver, with 3-KHz audio output;
- SoftRock receiver -
a wideband receiver with quadrature output and fixed center frequency;
- SoftRock on IF -
a combination of an ordinary receiver and a SoftRock working on
receiver's IF;
- RF Space SDR-IQ and SDR-14;
- SRL QuickSilver (QS1R).
- HPSDR Mercury,
- Microtelecom Perseus.
CW Skimmer can be used with the SDR-1000 and
Flex-5000 radios
via a virtual audio cable.
- Sound card: a stereo sound card that supports the
48 kHz sampling rate or higher and has a valid WDM driver;
- Cables: two cables are required for
connecting the radio to the PC: a standard stereo cable for
the audio or I/Q signal, and a CAT cable/adapter for the CAT control.
Copyright © 1998-2020 Afreet Software, Inc.
Author's e-mail
