RTTY Software Comparison
2015-03-09: FLDigi 3.22.05 and 2Tone 14.08a have been tested on the selective
fading signals, charts updated.
The dotted green line is for MixW in the Single Filter mode
RttyCompare is a utility that compares the sent and received RTTY messages and
calculates the error rate. It converts both texts to the Baudot code, removes
LTRS, FIGS, CR, LF and space characters, and finds the best match between the
messages using the dynamic programming algorithm. This algorithm is smart enough
to find the mapping even at very high error rates when the text is completely
unreadable. In fact, it is too smart and finds some similarity even between the
random sequences, thus the CER values on the charts above are a bit underestimated.
The calibration chart below can be used for correction.
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